Jheronimus Bosch Art Center

Enfer, Vision de Tondale. Porto, Fondation Guerra-Junquiero

Van Schoute 2003
Van Schoute, Roger
Genre: Nonfiction, art history
Uitgave datum: 2003
Bron: Hélène Verougstraete and Roger Van Schoute (eds.), "Le dessin sous-jacent et la technologie dans la peinture. Colloque XIV. 13-15 septembre 2001. Bruges-Rotterdam. Jérôme Bosch et son entourage et autres études", Uitgeverij Peeters, Louvain-Paris-Dudley (Ma.), 2003, pp. 81-83
ISBN: 90-429-1368-1

Van Schoute 2003


“Enfer, Vision de Tondale. Porto, Fondation Guerra-Junqueiro” (Roger Van Schoute) 2003

[in: Hélène Verougstraete and Roger Van Schoute (eds.), Le dessin sous-jacent et la technologie dans la peinture. Colloque XIV. 13-15 septembre 2001. Bruges-Rotterdam. Jérôme Bosch et son entourage et autres études. Uitgeverij Peeters, Louvain-Paris-Dudley (Ma), 2003, pp. 81-83]


The Guerra-Junqueiro Foundation in Porto (Portugal) owns a fragment of a Hell that is a faithful replica of the upper part of the right interior wing of the Garden of Delights. At the end of the sixteenth century an angel and a male figure were added so that the subject changed into a Vision of Tondal. In the eighties of the twentieth century the painting was restored and subjected to a dendrochronological research (executed by Peter Klein). This resulted in the conclusion that the painting cannot have been produced before 1542 and so it is definitely not an authentic Bosch. The panel does prove that decades after his death Bosch’s art was still very popular and that sometimes his iconography was adapted to new pious needs.



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