Jheronimus Bosch Art Center

Was Jeroen Bosch wat jaren vóór Erasmus leerling van de Latijnse school te 's-Hertogenbosch?

Koldeweij 1999
Koldeweij, Jos
Genre: Non fiction, art history
Uitgave datum: 1999
Bron: K. van den Oord (ed.), "Scolae de Buscho", Vlijmen, 1999, pp. 3-12

Koldeweij 1999


“Was Jeroen Bosch wat jaren vóór Erasmus leerling van de Latijnse school te ’s-Hertogenbosch?” (Jos Koldeweij) 1999

[in: K. van den Oord (ed.), Scolae de Buscho 1274-1999 – Fragmenten uit de historie van de Latijnse school van ’s-Hertogenbosch ter gelegenheid van het 725-jarig bestaan. Histordia, Vlijmen, 1999, pp. 3-12]


The Latin school of ’s-Hertogenbosch was a collegiate school (kapittelschool), and its building, probably built between 1420 and 1425, was owned by the St John’s church. Bosch’s status as a ‘sworn brother’ of the Brotherhood of Our Lady implies that he had received one or more of the minor orders, and that he was a man of more than average education. In its turn, this implies that as a member of a fairly well-to-do middle-class family he more than likely attended the Latin school. The use of Latin texts in a number of his paintings does not contradict this. Somewhat later (from 1485 until 1487), Erasmus would also be a pupil of this same school for some years.


[explicit 8th April 2020]

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