Jheronimus Bosch Art Center

Hieronymus Bosch und die Antikenbegeisterung im Antwerpen des 16. Jahrhunderts

Porras 2016
Porras, Stephanie
Genre: Non fiction, art history
Uitgave datum: 2016
Bron: Michael Phillip (ed.), "Verkehrte Welt - Das Jahrhundert von Hieronymus Bosch", 2016, pp. 28-39

Porras 2016


“Hieronymus Bosch und die Antikenbegeisterung im Antwerpen des 16. Jahrhunderts” (Stepahnie Porras) 2016

[in: Michael Philipp (ed.), Verkehrte Welt – Das Jahrhundert von Hieronymus Bosch. Exhibition catalogue (Hamburg, Bucerius Kunst Forum, 4th June – 11th September 2016), Bucerius Kunst Forum-Hirmer Verlag, Hamburg-Munich, 2016, pp. 28-39]


This catalogue contribution examines the relation between the interest in Bosch’s pictorial world in Antwerp around 1550, the renewed focus on classical motifs, and the beginnings of an artistic tradition in the Low Countries. Many sixteenth-century prints reveal an interest in classical artistic creations and architectural forms. The numerous prints with grotesque subjects that were produced in Antwerp around 1550 are witnesses of the contemporary clientele’s predilection for classical motifs but also for new, original themes. With the Boschian prints published by him, Hieronymus Cock aimed at a clientele that was not only interested in grotesque ornaments imitating classical examples but also in the legendary hybrid creatures inspired by them and produced by contemporary artists. This clientele saw Bosch as an inventor of fantasy creatures. The Boschian prints published by Cock do not reproduce Bosch originals, but they are pastiches elaborating on Boschian motifs.


With their Pictorum aliquot celebrium Germaniae inferioris effigies Lambert Lombard and Dominicus Lampsonius wanted to focus on the contribution of the Low Countries to art history. They considered Bosch one of the founding fathers of Netherlandish art.


[explicit 3rd September 2018]

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