Jheronimus Bosch Art Center

'In den Salvatoer': Das Haus des Malers Hieronymus Bosch

Büttner 2018
Büttner, Nils
Genre: Non fiction, art history
Uitgave datum: 2018
Bron: Thomas Schauerte et al. (eds.), "Künstlerhäuser im Mittelalter und der frühen Neuzeit / Artists' Homes in the Middle Ages and the early Modern Era", Petersburg, 2018, pp. 78-85

Büttner 2018


“‘In den Salvatoer’: Das Haus des Malers Hieronymus Bosch” (Nils Büttner) 2018

[in: Thomas Schauerte, Danica Brenner, Andreas Tacke et al. (eds.), Künstlerhäuser im Mittelalter und der frühen Neuzeit / Artists’ Homes in the Middle Ages and the early Modern Era. Michael Imhof Verlag, Petersburg, 2018, pp. 78-85]


Büttner brings together a number of biographical data regarding Bosch, focusing on the house in which he lived. On 12th February 1462, Bosch’s father bought a stone house at the Market place (today: Markt 29), which was called ‘Sint Thoenis’ (St Anthony) and of which only the original cellar has been preserved. After his marriage Bosch moved to a house somewhat further away (today: Markt 61). It was a roomy house, which could undoubtedly accomodate a workshop. Only the sidewalls and the cellar of this building, called ‘In den Salvatoer’ (In the Saviour), have been preserved. Bosch is bound to have had a workshop with assistants, but the signature ‘Jheronimus bosch’ on his panels functioned as a quality label. Bosch and his wife were well-to-do burghers, which is proven by the high taxes they had to pay, by Bosch’s success with noble commissioners and collectors, and by his status of ‘sworn brother’ within the Brotherhood of Our Lady.


[explicit 10th May 2020]

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