Gerlach 1975a
“Jeroen Bosch, zelfportretten” (P. Gerlach O.F.M. Cap.) 1975
[in: Brabantia, vol. 24 (1975), nr. 2, pp. 51-55]
[Also mentioned in Gibson 1983: 135 (G2)]
Gerlach offers a brief survey of the supposed self-portraits in the oeuvre of Bosch. His conclusion is that these so-called self-portraits are all based on mere assumptions of modern art historians.
Gerlach also signals something new: a source dating from 1621 (preserved through a nineteenth-century copy) tells us that Bosch and his wife are represented on a Meeting of Abigail and David, a painting we only know from a panel of highly uncertain origin (a copy of an authentic Bosch?).