Jheronimus Bosch Art Center

De beschilderde vleugels van het Oordeelspel - Mosmans' fabel over Hieronymus Bosch

Le Blanc 1990
Le Blanc, P.M.
Genre: Nonfiction, art history
Uitgave datum: 1990
Bron: A.M. Koldeweij (ed.), "In Buscoducis - Kunst uit de Bourgondische tijd te 's-Hertogenbosch - De cultuur van de late middeleeuwen en renaissance - Bijdragen", Gary Schwartz-SDU, Maarssen-'s-Gravenhage, 1990, pp. 411-414

Le Blanc 1990


“De beschilderde vleugels van het Oordeelspel. Mosmans’ fabel over Hieronymus Bosch” (P.M. Le Blanc) 1990

[in: A.M. Koldeweij (ed.), In Buscoducis. Kunst uit de Bourgondische tijd te ’s-Hertogenbosch. De cultuur van de late middeleeuwen en renaissance. Bijdragen. Gary Schwartz-SDU, Maarssen – ’s-Gravenhage, 1990, pp. 411-414]


The two wings of the Last Judgment set-up that was installed in the St. John’s Cathedral (back then still a church) in the early sixteenth century were restored by Ernest Grips in Vught in 1949 (very likely under the supervision of Jan Mosmans, who was keeper of the archives of the St. John at the time). The seventeenth-century overpainting of the canvases was removed and Boschian details were added. Apparently the restoration was carried out so injudiciously that the four angels that were painted on the backside, were lost. Of the original character of the paintings very little was left.


That Bosch would have painted these wings, as Mosmans claimed, is out of the question. They do contain elements that also occur in works from Bosch’s workshop.



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